Pure white roses that look so perfect you will be left wondering how they are natural. The remarkable 'Guardian Angel' shrub rose is a true treat for the eye, boasting an eruption of creamy-white blooms to kick off the summer season in style.
Repeat flowering, these outstanding blooms will continually add interest to any garden right through to the first frosts of the year. As the flowers mature, central buds open to reveal playful yellow stamens, which leave a buttery glow on the bed of surrounding white petals.
An extra layer of summertime delight is added, as a delicate fragrance is released by the blooming beauties, to please the senses without overpowering any other natural perfumes.
Supplied freshly in a 3 litre pot, ready to be planted out. Please note at certain times of the year this variety may be supplied in a 4 litre pot.
We always endeavour to provide beautifully formed plants; however, our roses will naturally start to lose their leaves from October to prepare for the colder months. Do not worry though, as they will flourish once again with leaves and buds in the spring. Please make sure you consider the season when purchasing our remarkable roses for yourself or loved ones.
Size (hxs): Upto 4ft (120cm) - 2.6ft (75cm)
Rose Type: Shrub Rose
Flowering: Repeat Flowering
Fragrance: Medium Fragrance
Colour: Apricot Shades